Thursday, 17 September 2009

The Annual Mailing Party

Every year the Festival team faces with horror the mammoth task of posting out thousands of brochures to thousands of loyal, lovely Festival-goers who wait anxiously for them to drop onto the doormat. It always seems to happen that our trusty team is at its thinnest on the very day this has to be done.

Over the years we have approached this task in many different ways: from hiring in staff for a day of mad stuffing, to bribing volunteers with cake and coffee, to simply staying late into the night until the last one is done.

This year, we decided to abandon all gimmicks and simply clear our diaries, stock up on coffee and plough our way through, regaling one another with stories of similarly vast mailshots of the past. New Admin Assistant Joanne won hands down with the tale of the all singing all dancing mailing machine at a previous workplace. We remain misty-eyed at the lofty prospect of one day owning such a beast. In the meantime, here is the evidence of our labours...

Here are our shiny 2009 brochures, resplendent in their many, many, many boxes....
Oh how we look forward to ripping these cartons open and popping each and every little glossy item into a little white envelope...

And trolleying them down through the maze-like depths of the Custard Factory for a man in a red van to come for them (and give us *that* look - "you've got *how* many bags?).

So if anyone did not receive a 2009 brochure, or would like some more, just drop me a line and I'll pop one in the post for you.

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