Tuesday, 11 August 2009

changes afoot..

It has been one of those months in the Festival office... busy, exciting and frustrating by turns.

We are pleased to welcome our new Administrative Assistant, Joanne Penn, who joins us from a traineeship at Wolverhampton Arts Gallery and is eager to take on some of the Festival's blogging in the near future.

We are happy to report that the Festival programme is now up and running, and all listings bar a few elusive ones are live on our website (www.birminghambookfestival.org) and also at Birmingham Box Office (0121 303 2322).

A few programming rumours that have escaped the mill and ought to be quashed...

There was much talk of River Cottage chef and writer Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall appearing at the Festival, but unfortunately this is not to be. It was unavoidably cancelled in the late programming stages, and did make it onto some press releases, etc - so please bear with us if you have received any incorrect information about this.

There was also to be an event featuring playwrights Jim Cartwright and David Edgar, which sadly has also been cancelled, beyond our control. We apologise for any incovenience caused by these late decisions, and assure you that we have done everything in our power to try to make these events happen, and very reluctantly announce that they are no longer on the cards.

Do have a look at our website for up to date information and to book tickets - and we will continue the stream of information as we get it through this and other mediums.

The Festival Team.

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