Monday, 10 November 2008

New Territories...

Welcome to our brand new blog! Thinking it was about time we moved into the 21st Century, we have finally relented and are going to try and do 'one of those blog things'. We can't promise we'll update it every day, or even every week, but we do promise to maintain contact with the outside world and thus keep our eyes, ears and minds open to new ideas and activities.

Keep up with the latest happenings in the office of the Birmingham Book Festival and Write On! Adventures In Writing. We'll share some ideas, some frustrations, some successes, or just our thoughts on the world...and keep you informed as we head perpetually down the road towards the next event...!

This seems like a good place to post pictures of Festival events, too, so look out for some of those, as well as links to other blogs and websites we think you might like.

The Festival's website can be found at When listings for 2009 are available (Summer 09, exact date tbc) you will be able to book tickets and view full details on there. You can join our mailing list there, too.

Keep Reading..


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